BEYOND the void

pride without prejudice, a snap-shot

working like dogs, bewitching the right people, deep belief in abilities plus a full moon and the right houses and influences for pisces and aries. and here we are. the proverbial phoenix from the flame. (did you know the phoenix' tears do have healin' powers?) situation is getting better every day. we are going to ride a tide we did not believe to arrive in time. it did anyway. first time in life i begin to understand you get what you need as long as you do simply not give in to adverse circumstances without giving a good fight. wish i'd had that belief years ago.

thanks to all our friends who supported us - and still do. thanks to all our friends who asked for support and thereby expressing their belief in our abilities.

nachtgedanken  2005 · 02:47  # ·  x  | 731 x gelesen pixel