BEYOND the void

To Kali

I want you to know: I got it. I know I wasn't too good a character for quite a timespan. Maybe I needed someone to dip my nose into the dirt, just to remind me of how to be good. And so you did. Fog and smoke everywhere. Whatever I laid my hands on fell or broke. Whoever I'd relied on slipped away. I'm sure you cannot take the credit for the handful of friendly people I came to know. It was a way to fight your influence, a way to lighten your dark shadow cast over me. You know what, Ma'm: It's not easy to fight a godess! I'm fed up with this now. You tried your best to drive my every day life to the state of FUBAR (fucked up beyond any recognition) and - hey, look, I'm still standing! Yeah, tell me about hybris and bore me to sleep ... Tell you what, mother - I've got a few things to tell you!

Did you ever ponder about your methods? Did you ever come close enough to us to know about the input-output-scheme in humans? It might well be that your fucking intervention didn't work for good. If you push me around, I do by no means tend to become a better person. On the contrary!

I could have thought 'Oh. Well ...' to the death of one of the main desktops here, right on the third day, tearing a hole into our calculations. I would have said 'Mh. Shit happens ...' when we both fell ill on the wrong moment. But what you did was to send us a series of calamities, one after the other, last today in killing the only working printer. Most of the mishaps you put on us, resulted in financial difficulties. I'm sure that isn't due to your kindness but to a very old style lack of inspiration on your side. It's enough now anyway, mother. Stop right here or find yourself another worshipper right now!

[Edit vom 29.: Kali = ind. Schicksalsgöttin, strafend und aggressiv, Gerüchten nach aber auch mit einer mütterlichen Seite - die Dame begreift sehr langsam; heute ist uns der nächste Hammer auf den Kopf gefallen. Mal sehen, wie lange das noch (an-) dauert ...]

{Warum liest der halbe Planet diesen Text, aber keiner sagt 'was? - File under: Weißweininduzierte Neugierde.}

nachtgedanken  2005 · 01:42  # ·  x  | 380 x gelesen pixel